Alusynt® CE 500, CE 750, CE 1000, CE 1200

Alusynt® CE 500, CE 750, CE 1000, CE 1200


Alusynt® CE 500, CE 750, CE 1000, CE 1200 are totally synthetic, diesters based, lubricants
not containing phosphoric esters, in ISO 100 and ISO 150 grades, conceived for the lubrication
of air and gas reciprocating and rotary vane compressors
Alusynt® CE 500, CE 750, CE 1000, CE 1200 are suitable for the lubrication of bearings and
crankshafts and for separate (drip-feed) lubrication of reciprocating compressor cylinders, also
for large bore models and high operating pressures
Alusynt® CE 500, CE 750, CE 1000, CE 1200 exhibit superior oil film strength and thermal
conductivity, which help in decreasing both the internal friction losses (up to 10%) and the
working temperature. These features substantially increase the machine components life

Alusynt® CE 500, CE 750, CE 1000, CE 1200 do not form hard deposits, lacquer and sludge
normally produced by mineral lubricating oils when working at high temperatures – leaving clean
and well lubricated surfaces. The excellent lubricating power, which is typical of the chemical
class to which Alusynt® CE 500, CE 750, CE 1000, CE 1200 belong, allows a remarkable
reduction of wear. Lubricant consumption is drastically reduced, thanks to the very low vapour
Alusynt® CE 500, CE 750, CE 1000, CE 1200 are fire safe to use, thanks to the absence of
carbon deposits and to the very high fire point (40% higher than the best mineral oils on

Alusynt® CE 500, CE 750, CE 1000, CE 1200 are recommended for lubrication of
• movements of cross-head compressors up to 24.000 hours
• trunk-piston compressors up to 6-8.000 hours
• vane compressors up to 5.000 hours
Gas compatible
• Carbon anhydride
• Nitogen
• Helium
• Sulphur hexafluoride
• Natural gas
• Hydrogen
• Methane
• Propane
The very high performance of these lubricants is better exploited, since the first fill, if the old oil charge
is fully drained when hot and new filters are fitted


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